Telehealth Solutions
Business to Business Healthcare Solutions
Physician Practice Revenue Growth
Point of Care Solutions to Transform Patient Engagement
Advanced Wound Care Solutions
Dressings and Treatments to Accelerate Healing
Personalized Patient Care
Preventative Health and Pharmacogenomic Solutions

Our Mission Is To Empower Physicians With Tools And
Treatments For Better Patient Health Care.

Innovation Care & Consulting (ICC) is a West Virginia based healthcare focused sales, consulting and solutions company located in an Opportunity Zone. The organization represents products that support value based treatments that improve the quality of care in patient populations. Our consulting and technology platforms range from delivering a more efficient virtual practice to personalized treatments that enhance practice revenue.

Through partnering and collaboration, ICC will enable healthcare teams to deliver high quality, cost effective care and treatment to all communities and populations.

An important representation of ICC’s commitment to delivering value centered solutions in the healthcare industry is our membership with The Healthcare Council. Founded in 1946, The Healthcare Council is an association of healthcare providers, schools, and health-related institutions in the Mid-Atlantic region primarily in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The Council’s subsidiary corporation, ShareSource, is a regional GPO providing substantial savings to their members.

Our Services

Enterprise Telehealth and Virtual Care

We have a virtual health platform that meets the expanded needs of providers, health plans, and employers regardless of patient location and across the continuum of care.

Personalized Patient Care

Through our clinical partners in allergy care, wound care, cardiology care and lab services, we offer patient centered solutions that improve engagement and outcomes.

Physician Practice Revenue Growth

With our population health and patient specific treatment solutions, we offer physician groups and practices options to expand revenue and reimbursement.

Information Technology Managed Services

The expanded use of connected devices has made the stakes higher for innovative approaches to data security. We offer options for advancing privacy controls and network protection.

Our Values

Value Creation

We embrace innovation to drive value and outcomes.


We enable client success through strategic partnerships.


We conduct business in ways that embrace trust, empathy and respect.


We empower our community through giving of our resources and time.

Contact Us

Innovation Care & Consulting Inc.
The IDEA Center, Suite 214
21 East Main Street
Buckhannon, WV 26201

Or submit a question with our web form.

Better Health Care is Our Mission